Korkové pantofle jsou nejen pohodlné a stylové, ale do značné míry také udržitelné. Díky kombinaci přírodních materiálů a tradičních řemeslných postupů si získaly oblibu po celém světě. Ale jak se vlastně vyrábí? V tomto příspěvku vás provedeme celým procesem od sklizně korku až po hotový produkt.
In the hills above Luhačovice, there is a workshop where shoemakers sit with contented wrinkles similar to the gorges that pockmark the surrounding landscape. A small local shoe company has won the hearts of people from all over the country. They come here to stop in time at the machines from the Baťov factory.
Winter boots require more treatment than footwear designed for warmer seasons. Shoes in winter need to be protected not only from water and snow, but also from road salt.
Choosing the right shoe size is clearly the most important part of buying new shoes. A well-chosen size determines comfort, utility and overall satisfaction from the next pair of shoes. In this article, I will show you how to measure your foot size.
Shoemaking and engineering are clearly the most widespread industries in the town of Slavičín.
We sew and produce our shoes on old Svitov machines accompanied by a large proportion of manual work, which is absolutely key to the entire production process.